
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine's Day Gift Giving

Having trouble thinking of a gift to get your girl or guy? Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Start with the classics. Chocolate, candy, card and some romantic time alone. Valentine's Day is about expressing your feelings towards your loved ones. So begin with that. Do something small, with the aim of showing him that you care. Once you know what you are doing to take care of the romantic aspect of Valentine's Day, half of the battle is over.

2. Something related to his or her interests is always a good idea. For example, if he/she likes the Bruins, go for that. Maybe you could get him/her a pair of tickets to a game and the two of you could go together!

3. As far as jokes go, by all means, make your significant other laugh. Buy her or him something related to an inside joke that the two of you share. Or, think back to the funniest moment the two of you shared and give her or him something that is representative of that.

4.If all else fails, just go browsing. Walk around your local mall or shopping centre and just see what's there. There may be cool items out there that you never would have even thought of buying him or her.

Any other thoughts? 
What are you people giving your lovers this Valentine's Day?
Do you celebrate Valentine's Day at all?
What are your thoughts on this topic?

Let me know!

Miss Tanya


  1. I must say that the hearts and flower day doesn't do it for me anymore.

    But i do like is being remembered on that gives me hope that the day will mean something again

  2. Yeah :) It's nice to be remembered.

    And what do you mean, "again"? Have you liked Valentine's Day on previous occasions? What changed your opinion?

  3. I think you had it in the first line. It's time.

    The creeping time famine that tends to gather pace as the years go by can smother a relationship if you're not careful.

    So taking a little time (real time, not 'snatched between other stuff' time) is often the best thing you can do, whatever you do with it.

    That and meeting him at the door in nothing more than some new lingerie and a smile, obviously.

    Mind you, what do I know? For me, V-Day is a day to remind me I'm single AND my pre-divorce wedding anniversary, so I tend to find it a brutally depressing experience spent mostly with a Johnny Cash CD and a bottle of whisky.

    But there's still hope, right?

  4. Haha. You wrote this comment in an extremely cute way. Heavy personal details were lightened up by your endearing wit. Nice!

    Anyway, it sounds to me like you DO know a lot about relationships and how to keep them fresh, even over long periods of time.You seem to have some great ideas about what would make up a great Valentine's Day. And perhaps this understanding comes partially from an idea of what you wish you had?

    Could that be?
    That you learned about love through your failed marriage?

    Or are your ideas about Valentine's Day less personal and more fanciful?

    Inquiring minds want to know! :)

  5. I try to learn a lesson from all my failures.

    Sadly, 'how not to fail' has not been one of them.

    All I have left is to encourage you to plough your own furrow and wish you good luck.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi :) this is volleyball2150 from advicenators. You answered my question about my friends! I want to say that I really enjoy reading your blog about love and I think you have an amazing talent for writing. I, myself, want to become a journalist in the future and its nice to read your work. 

Anyways, I read your blogs about love and my input on it is that Love means everything to me. Valentines day has its ups and downs. To some people, it's the day of love. To others, its the day of hatred and sorrow. Those people often think that Valentines day shouldn't be considered a real holiday. I, however, think it should always be a holiday. People need to stop confusing Valentines day with love of the opposite sex. As I listen to people's feelings and opinions about valentines day, i realize that most people who hate valentines day are the ones who either haven't let go of their past (breakups and whatnot) or aren't allowing themselves to love something.

Here's my input- Love isn't just about loving the opposite sex. It CAN mean that, but it's not the complete and absolute definition of love. Someone could love their best friend equally to a married couples love. Or someone could love their dog equally to a couple. It doesn't really matter WHO we love... just as long as we realize that there's something out there that we love. 

Valentines day to me, is all about feeling special. I believe that everyone should let go of their past and forget about the pain and hurt. There's that saying that goes- "treat someone the way you want to be treated" well this rule applies to this situation. If you treat someone like they are special and they mean everything to you, there's a good chance that someone will do the same for you. It feels good to be recognized and treated specially, doesn't it? So why do so many people go incognito during Valentines day and not allow themselves to love? I dont know that answer. Do you? Its a tough question with numerous answers. But which ones are the right ones? People have so many excuses as to why they dont allow themselves to love something. Perhaps they dont want to let go of the past. Or they're scared. Truth is... we all have to risk it. If you dont risk anything, how are you going to find out if it was meant to be? I believe in fate, do you?

I often catch myself asking this question- "who truly, honestly loves me?" but then it hits me... none of that matters. I can't control who loves me and who doesn't. The only thing I can control is how I think and act. Instead of asking, who loves me? i should be asking- what do i love? Before, I used to have to ponder for a while and make a list. But now whenever I get asked that question, all I have to say is one word... ME.

Valentines day is a special day. Its a day that says "hey you! go out there and show the world who/what you really love!" I want the world to realize that valentines day doesn't just apply to those who are in relationships. Everyone can love something. We just need to open our eyes and see it. Normally, its sitting right in front of us.

I hope I impacted a few of your guys' minds and thoughts. I like to make people really think. Tell me what you're guys' opinions are about what I just said.

Miss Tanya- Thanks again for helping me :) You're an amazing writer and advice giver. Keep up the good work!

  9. Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention... without love, I don't think I could be truly happy and live my life to the fullest. Think about it. What if love never existed.. no romantic movies, no marriages, no kissing or holding hands, no anniversaries.. to me, that's depressing. Whenever I see someone in love, it makes me smile. It reminds me that the reason we are alive, is because love keeps us alive. It warms my heart to know that love exists.
